About Leg Up Software
Our Story
With 20 years in the SAP industry, speaking to SAP IT teams globally and attending SAP events worldwide, we saw many unique software solutions in use by SAP IT teams that weren’t available in Australia or New Zealand.
In particular, software supplied by a range of European software vendors specifically developed to support SAP IT teams in their roles. Software solutions that could be brought to the Australian market to deliver results and provide outcomes so ANZ SAP IT teams can better meet their business customer expectations.
Software we knew could help SAP IT team members develop reputations as reliable and dependable; Help them feel accomplished, valued and respected; Ensure they are regarded and trusted.
So with that as the background story, we founded Leg Up Software to give ANZ SAP IT teams a ‘leg-up’ to help them deliver the kinds of outcomes their business expects of them.
Community Contribution

We are pleased to be a supporter of Empower Australia.
Australia has been known as the 'lucky country', but not all experience the same kind of luck.
The primary purpose of Empower Australia is to serve and support vulnerable individuals within our community, to empower them to become productive contributors to society and to reach their fullest potential.
A percentage of all Leg Up Software revenue received from its customers for software and services goes to Empower Australia to help it achieve its purpose
James 2:15-16 ESV
If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?