Libelle DataMasking
Anonymise sensitive data in SAP® and Non-SAP® Systems
Libelle DataMasking
Libelle DataMasking automatically anonymises personal and sensitive data (Personally-Identifying Information) in SAP® and non-SAP® non-production systems so that the data is no longer personal, but is still useable for testing and development. By passing the data through proprietary algorithms Libelle DataMasking changes the information into the same type of data enabling meaningful testing and analytics.
- Mitigate the risk of damage from any external data breach of non-production systems
- Fulfil the official requirements of general data protection, GDPR (or similar) within test systems.
- Provide internal developers, test teams, and external consultants with full access to development and test system data without risk
- Anonymise the same information in separate data systems in the same way
"One aspect that spoke in favor of LDM was that the other solutions could only handle SAP environments, but we have other applications in use"
Alexei Weber
Libelle DataMasking
The software works at the database level, anonymising up to 200,000 data entries per second. If that is not fast enough, tables can be anonymised in parallel.
The software comes standard with over 40 anonymisation algorithms and a reference database with defined target values. However, the software can be customised.
Original production data is transformed into realistic-looking and logically correct data. Test, train, and evaluate within non-production systems without risk.
Access any common database and mask individual fields or complete databases. Common databases are recognized and anonymized across systems.
We selected the LDM product because it anonymizes not only the master data of the SAP test systems but also personal data in the specialist applications for the insurance business processes
How it Works
In the check phase, Libelle DataMasking checks target system is availability. For SAP environments, it also checks that the target system is not the production system.
The remaining checks identify errors or fields that were not recognized for correction prior to the masking process.
After a successful check, the system moves to pre-masking. Here, the supplied reference files are provided and the keys for anonymisation are generated. If necessary, backup tables can be created at this point. If the anonymisation doesn't run as planned for any reason, even after the pre-masking test run, the backup can be imported. This is an essential step before any first anonymisation.
In the anon phase, the supplied and individually set anonymization algorithms are applied. These read the data from the non-production target system and anonymize it with the references provided. The result is realistic-looking and GDPR-compliant data
In the last step, the post phase, it is checked whether the consistency of the data has been maintained, a final measure to obtain an optimal result. To give you a complete overview of the anonymization, Libelle DataMasking provides you with a comprehensive final report with all relevant information.
Technical Specifications
Anonymisation algorithms
- Addresses
- Dates and times
- E-mail addresses
- Names
- Numbers
- Organisations
- Regions
Available SAP data templates
Supported databases
- MariaDB
- Microsoft SQL Server*
- Oracle
- PostgreSQL
Supported operating systems
- Linux
- MacOS
- Solaris
- Windows
Implementation Effort
From the Resource Library

Case Study
Following the implementation of Libelle DataMasking Roland Recchtsschutz succeeded in anonymising the personal data of its 1.8 million customers across all its business applications.

Browse this easy-to-read eBook-style presentation "Enterprise Data Anonymization with Libelle Data Masking to gain a high-level technical overview of in-process data anonymisation.

Take a deep dive into the Libelle DataMasking data masking process with this Whitepaper, "Advanced Data Obfuscation with Libelle DataMasking - Architecture, Features, and Benefits"

Demo Video
Not ready for a personalised software demonstration for your team just yet - then request access to a recorded webinar and software demo to get a sense of the look and feel of the product.